Been very very Buzy lately with life. .
My baby damia kene HFMD. which is very hurtful to watch and to take care of a sick baby is no joke. i tak menang tangan, makan x lalu, asik pujuk and comfort her not to cry.
Damia is a very very easy baby. for those who have taken care of her would agree with me. she's rarely merengek/menangis unless kita tak bagi apa yg dia nak lah kan. Most of the time, she'll play her toys, read her books, bebel alone, play with cats, kacau org and she always make us laugh dgn segala telatah kiutt dia tuh! so to see her in this pain mode is sadness for me..
Alhamdulillah she's a healthy kid. rarely kene demam/flu.. But one day, she started off with a high degree fever. i was at shocked, but she remains active. so, we went to Emergency Hosp cz her day temp reading dah 39 deg C. The stupid medical officer, just check her physicall and prescribe her with paracetamol pastu suh balik. He barely even touch damia to see if she has got ear inefction ke/sore throat ke. Arghhh! Mak dia stress..
Ok lagi la tu kan, balik bagi ubat ape bagai, active mcm biasa.. lepas je maghrib dia merengek lain macam.. asik nak melekat, i dah rasa mcm panas sgt damia ni, check temp. Mashallah, 40 deg C. huh! pe lagi, bersilat la kami laki bini kat rumah.. bogelkan damia, tuam kepala badan. yg bapaknyer berlari kehulu kehilir bawak baldi air sejuk. i plak tuam her body sambil BF. In a way i feel so lucky to have a husband yg caring and wud share the same burden as me. *thank u yang, love u much much!*
Around 9pm later the same day, when damia's temp started to subside. kitorg rilex sikit.baru lah tarik nafas lega..gilir2 tgkkan dia sbb dia dah tdo.. tp i noticed rashes started to develope at the buttock area. i mmg rasa tak sedap hati lah kan. My motherly instict says that its not a normal fever. . Next day, First thing in the morning kita pergi jumpa her paed and the Dr has confirmed that damia kene HFMD and kene quarantine at least a week. . She has few big ulser in her mouth. kita org tua satu ulser pun dah sakit, ni pulak budak kecik tu kan..
2 hari damia tak consume solid food at all uols. minum susu je keje dia, n i banyak bg dia plan water. nasib baik dia nak susu kan.. coz eventually BF je yg boleh console dia. otherwise she'll cry. the following day pun xnak makan sgt. Alhamdulillah, third day dah makan mcm org lapar. Mama dia lompat bintang lah jaga dia kat rumah senang hati. main masak2 sama2, lipat baju sama2. sapu lantai sama2.. hahah! uols imagine je la, when i say sama2 she'll do the exact opposite way. Pengsan!
Both Grandparents from Subang and Seremban were worried and concerned abt her. Nama je quarantine, tp hari hari ada visitor. mom dtg siang, mom balik, pil pulak dtg..adik beradik lagi dtg nak jenguk dia.. damia mmg xbosan la kan.. She's lucky to have grandparents who cares alot abt her, who loves her unconditionally.
Now alhamdulillah damia dah fully recovered. and so for me..
Ive moved on to another job. Alhamdulillah..
still in induction/ training period. balik rumah je pengsan.
Starting to like the new work place.
friendly ppl, good environment, nearer to house. Owh and Alhamdulillah my male boss is very supportive. He doesnt mind me pumping at all. So my pumping routine remains at 3 times daily.
Ok lah dats for now..
All about Us
My life journey of ups and down.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Muar. A place i miss the most
i grew up in Muar. A small town, part of Johor. .
Things that i remembered clearly in my head about Muar.
1. My first aunty P came visit me.
*pict courtesy en google*
2. First Boyfrien pun kat Muar, when i was in std 5 (i shall not name the person)
cinta monyet *pict courtesy en google*
3. Food yg sgt sedapp! To name a few..
mee bandung muar is a must whenever ure in Muar.
*pict courtesy en google*
Otak Otak Muar
*pict courtesy en google*
Satay Muar jual kat kedai kopi kecik je. Kopi pun terbayek!
*pict courtesy en google*
4. Tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat dating. hehe!
Tanjung emas, tepi laut lagi..berangin je dating sini, bawah pokok kelapa..naik beskal.haha!
*pict courtesy en google*
5. Sekolah rendah IJC Convent Muar
banyak lagi lahh..
Bila la nak ada peluang balik muar ni. weekend je asyik bz skang ni..
Muar OH muar..
Things that i remembered clearly in my head about Muar.
1. My first aunty P came visit me.
*pict courtesy en google*
2. First Boyfrien pun kat Muar, when i was in std 5 (i shall not name the person)
cinta monyet *pict courtesy en google*
3. Food yg sgt sedapp! To name a few..
mee bandung muar is a must whenever ure in Muar.
*pict courtesy en google*
Otak Otak Muar
*pict courtesy en google*
Satay Muar jual kat kedai kopi kecik je. Kopi pun terbayek!
*pict courtesy en google*
4. Tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat dating. hehe!
Tanjung emas, tepi laut lagi..berangin je dating sini, bawah pokok kelapa..naik beskal.haha!
*pict courtesy en google*
5. Sekolah rendah IJC Convent Muar
banyak lagi lahh..
Bila la nak ada peluang balik muar ni. weekend je asyik bz skang ni..
Muar OH muar..
Monday, February 20, 2012
pumping gadgets
Mula mula masa preggy, we went to the parenting expo in Midval dgn niat nak grab breast pump. We came across Kak Farah, Sarakids booth at that time. Met her in person to get a personal touch & pep talk on BF and which gadget suits me the most. She convinced me to buy spectra for a starter as spectra punya function sikit-lebey-kurang juga dengan medela. At that time, my hub of cos la lagi setuju coz jimatt duit dia.. Beza spectra dgn medela banyakk tuhh! Ratus vs Ribu..
So yes, i started off with spectra. bought extra shield sbb nak double pumping. Started pumping my milk masa dlm pantang. Breast engorged. Ya Allah, Mashallah sakit nyer bengkak susu!! Mcm batu kerasnya.. pump xjalan, dpt 2 oz je. bengkak ttp bengkak. . haa ape lagi, meleleh air mata tau.. Anak minum pun dah, sampai tersedak2 flow laju sgt.. Suami tuam2 dgn kain panas.. sampai lah reda bengkak. Skang anak dah setahun sebulan dah mmg jarang la bengkak2 ni. *oh i miss!*
After confinement period, bermula la episode pumping di tempat kerja.
I was the first mother amongst others yg pump pada ketika itu.
Stock susu mmg dah build up masa dlm pantang, so pergi kerja pump adalah untuk mantainkan supply susu and to meet baby's daily demand. Sehari i akan pump 3kali. Keluar masuk bilik medical room/meeting room. Kalau rajin buat power pumping. selang 10 mts. Semua untuk anak, rezeki Allah dah bagi kan.. Jimat duit papa dia :) Anak sihat, poket pun tak koyak. Alhamdulillah
Start eying on FS medela bila hantar servis my beloved spectra, ive got no choice but to lend my sister's gadget, FS medela. .
Sekali dah rasa, JATUH CINTA lahh pulak!
Terus tiap bulan mengendeng kat hubby nak FS..
and akhirnya, anak dah berusia Setahun baru dapat rasa FS sendiri :)
Banyak advantage FS ni. Antaranya Freestyle lah kan. I pernah try aksi ber-FS sambil photostat docs dalam office *harus lah tutup mana yg patut kan*.. confirm, tak jatuh, tak meleleh.. lekat just nice to ur Breast..
Altho' its expensive, but worth every penny. Swear! Its a Good investment!
Now, kene pasang niat rajinkan diri bangun mlm untuk pump. Kene pump nak banyakkan supply susu.
Insyallah yakin boleh.
Okeh la..niat dah pasang.. harap dpt bgn mlm ni.
So yes, i started off with spectra. bought extra shield sbb nak double pumping. Started pumping my milk masa dlm pantang. Breast engorged. Ya Allah, Mashallah sakit nyer bengkak susu!! Mcm batu kerasnya.. pump xjalan, dpt 2 oz je. bengkak ttp bengkak. . haa ape lagi, meleleh air mata tau.. Anak minum pun dah, sampai tersedak2 flow laju sgt.. Suami tuam2 dgn kain panas.. sampai lah reda bengkak. Skang anak dah setahun sebulan dah mmg jarang la bengkak2 ni. *oh i miss!*
After confinement period, bermula la episode pumping di tempat kerja.
I was the first mother amongst others yg pump pada ketika itu.
Stock susu mmg dah build up masa dlm pantang, so pergi kerja pump adalah untuk mantainkan supply susu and to meet baby's daily demand. Sehari i akan pump 3kali. Keluar masuk bilik medical room/meeting room. Kalau rajin buat power pumping. selang 10 mts. Semua untuk anak, rezeki Allah dah bagi kan.. Jimat duit papa dia :) Anak sihat, poket pun tak koyak. Alhamdulillah
Start eying on FS medela bila hantar servis my beloved spectra, ive got no choice but to lend my sister's gadget, FS medela. .
Sekali dah rasa, JATUH CINTA lahh pulak!
Terus tiap bulan mengendeng kat hubby nak FS..
and akhirnya, anak dah berusia Setahun baru dapat rasa FS sendiri :)
Banyak advantage FS ni. Antaranya Freestyle lah kan. I pernah try aksi ber-FS sambil photostat docs dalam office *harus lah tutup mana yg patut kan*.. confirm, tak jatuh, tak meleleh.. lekat just nice to ur Breast..
Altho' its expensive, but worth every penny. Swear! Its a Good investment!
Now, kene pasang niat rajinkan diri bangun mlm untuk pump. Kene pump nak banyakkan supply susu.
Insyallah yakin boleh.
Okeh la..niat dah pasang.. harap dpt bgn mlm ni.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ok, after so many days, months and years of not blogging.. here i am writting back again.
2012 Alhamdulillah have been good to me. Im blessed with a happy marriage, loving fmly, adorable kid and supportive friends. no words can describe my feelings. Definitely feel good :)
Damia is no longer a baby, she's a toddler now!
Our little-banyak-keletah princess, Damia Raihana turns 1 last month.
Sobs! time flies n shes no longer a baby, she's a toddler now..
She discovered that she has feet and cud walk, climb and run at 11 months old! Giving me heartache at times! shouting n screaming, begging her to stop then she'll give me her sweetest smile and pose.. aaaaa, terus cair..mama x jadi marah :)
Alhamdulillah, syukur masih dikurniakan rezeki susu. masih fully bf damia. she has never consumed any FM. Insyallah, planning to bf selama yg boleh..
Siapa cakap BF easy peasy? Sila mengaku! heheh..
lemme tell you, BF is never an easy task! ive learn the hard way ok!. Google and reading was my only mentor back then. i mmg nekad nak BF ever since i preggy 7 months, heret laa laki aku g class BF, antenatal..bagi dia aware of the need to BF anak dia ni haa.. and alhamdulillah, my hubby is supportive. Selalu balik balik kerja dlm kereta..
Hub: Beh banyak dpt tak harini
Me: Kurang few ounces la harini.. xcukup makan kot
Hub: Awk kene relax baru leh dpt let-down.
Me: tu lah kan.. (laki aku tau pasal let-down, oOokeh!)
and cerita pasal 'down' mmg lah ada. tak selalu 'up' pun production susu ni. adaa masa down ok.. tapi as a mother, dah down susu tu pandai pandai lah nak cover up balik kasi supply anak cukup for her daily consumption kan. at times i bgn mlm memerah (sgt jarang la tp) or power pumping in office together with my pumping buddy sambil bergossip! (cepat je letdown. kdg2 boler dpt 2-3 LD). Owh, n stock susu cair? It happened to me not ONCE ok, THREE times! omaigod. heart attack aku! rasa nak pingsan! suami, akak n kawan support..encourage i balik..n slowly i build up the stocks. Alhamdulillah, tak pernah tak cukup susu anak.. walaupon 3 kali kene incident fridge-tak-tutp-rapat-habis-cair-semua-susu-aku-nangis-darah-pun-tak-guna! hahahah phew! aku redha je, bukan rezeki Damia..Ok enuff on that.
On Life
Pretty much the same. Still in old company, insyallah in a process of getting a new job.
Old fren of mine, Echenta has open my eyes and mind to such a great opportunity. Premium Beautiful. Been wanting to invest in a good business to earn extra money and at the same get personal gain. Well, to those who know me wud say 'Natt, dah kurus kan, PB bendenye!'. Yes, mmg im back to my pre-pregnancy weight, thanks to BF.. tapi perut yg menggelebeh ni tak lah dapat dibendung ok. and plus there are some areas yg i need to tone up, also my back problem..Ouch ok! Ouch!. Nak sign up for gym? humrmm, tak payahlah.. facility gym kat rumah tu pun tak berusik. Will do one entry on PB nanti ye ;)
Anybody interested nak try on the corset or to know more on the business marketing, boleh je email me
Till we meet again.
2012 Alhamdulillah have been good to me. Im blessed with a happy marriage, loving fmly, adorable kid and supportive friends. no words can describe my feelings. Definitely feel good :)
Damia is no longer a baby, she's a toddler now!
Our little-banyak-keletah princess, Damia Raihana turns 1 last month.
Sobs! time flies n shes no longer a baby, she's a toddler now..
She discovered that she has feet and cud walk, climb and run at 11 months old! Giving me heartache at times! shouting n screaming, begging her to stop then she'll give me her sweetest smile and pose.. aaaaa, terus cair..mama x jadi marah :)
Alhamdulillah, syukur masih dikurniakan rezeki susu. masih fully bf damia. she has never consumed any FM. Insyallah, planning to bf selama yg boleh..
Siapa cakap BF easy peasy? Sila mengaku! heheh..
lemme tell you, BF is never an easy task! ive learn the hard way ok!. Google and reading was my only mentor back then. i mmg nekad nak BF ever since i preggy 7 months, heret laa laki aku g class BF, antenatal..bagi dia aware of the need to BF anak dia ni haa.. and alhamdulillah, my hubby is supportive. Selalu balik balik kerja dlm kereta..
Hub: Beh banyak dpt tak harini
Me: Kurang few ounces la harini.. xcukup makan kot
Hub: Awk kene relax baru leh dpt let-down.
Me: tu lah kan.. (laki aku tau pasal let-down, oOokeh!)
and cerita pasal 'down' mmg lah ada. tak selalu 'up' pun production susu ni. adaa masa down ok.. tapi as a mother, dah down susu tu pandai pandai lah nak cover up balik kasi supply anak cukup for her daily consumption kan. at times i bgn mlm memerah (sgt jarang la tp) or power pumping in office together with my pumping buddy sambil bergossip! (cepat je letdown. kdg2 boler dpt 2-3 LD). Owh, n stock susu cair? It happened to me not ONCE ok, THREE times! omaigod. heart attack aku! rasa nak pingsan! suami, akak n kawan support..encourage i balik..n slowly i build up the stocks. Alhamdulillah, tak pernah tak cukup susu anak.. walaupon 3 kali kene incident fridge-tak-tutp-rapat-habis-cair-semua-susu-aku-nangis-darah-pun-tak-guna! hahahah phew! aku redha je, bukan rezeki Damia..Ok enuff on that.
On Life
Pretty much the same. Still in old company, insyallah in a process of getting a new job.
Old fren of mine, Echenta has open my eyes and mind to such a great opportunity. Premium Beautiful. Been wanting to invest in a good business to earn extra money and at the same get personal gain. Well, to those who know me wud say 'Natt, dah kurus kan, PB bendenye!'. Yes, mmg im back to my pre-pregnancy weight, thanks to BF.. tapi perut yg menggelebeh ni tak lah dapat dibendung ok. and plus there are some areas yg i need to tone up, also my back problem..Ouch ok! Ouch!. Nak sign up for gym? humrmm, tak payahlah.. facility gym kat rumah tu pun tak berusik. Will do one entry on PB nanti ye ;)
Anybody interested nak try on the corset or to know more on the business marketing, boleh je email me
Till we meet again.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Online Shopping
again, dah lama tak update blog..almost a month! pemalasnye...
i prefer to read other ppl's blog rather than to update mine.
nothing interesting to share pon..
Recently, while fbooking.. i managed to keep in touch w my cousin who is stayin in dublin.
2008/ early 2009 will be her last year studying meds in dublin.
so, saja lah nak kirim barang since eileen ckp kat sana sale gile2 and can drop up to 60% for designers handbags.. *terpk jugak, i would like to give myself a shot of designer's handbag*..
besides Guess (which is my usual suspect brand for handbag), i owned a coach handbag. I would like to expand my collection by trying other's designer brand as well.
So this cousin of mine suggested few blogs for me to browse and to get some ideas on the prices. and these people do take orders for handbags at a very reasonable price compared to malaysia retail price..
I can really go crazy doing the online shopping thingy. Bayangkan boleh browse, browse..tak tido sampai pukul 5 pagi, pukul 7 dah nak kene bgn padahal!
Mmg sangat lah banyak option and within my budget. Gile lah!
Anyhoo.. Galliera PM by LV is to die for! i aim for this..
Galliera PM, Louis Vuitton
i prefer to read other ppl's blog rather than to update mine.
nothing interesting to share pon..
Recently, while fbooking.. i managed to keep in touch w my cousin who is stayin in dublin.
2008/ early 2009 will be her last year studying meds in dublin.
so, saja lah nak kirim barang since eileen ckp kat sana sale gile2 and can drop up to 60% for designers handbags.. *terpk jugak, i would like to give myself a shot of designer's handbag*..
besides Guess (which is my usual suspect brand for handbag), i owned a coach handbag. I would like to expand my collection by trying other's designer brand as well.
So this cousin of mine suggested few blogs for me to browse and to get some ideas on the prices. and these people do take orders for handbags at a very reasonable price compared to malaysia retail price..
I can really go crazy doing the online shopping thingy. Bayangkan boleh browse, browse..tak tido sampai pukul 5 pagi, pukul 7 dah nak kene bgn padahal!
Mmg sangat lah banyak option and within my budget. Gile lah!
Anyhoo.. Galliera PM by LV is to die for! i aim for this..
Galliera PM, Louis Vuitton

Monday, November 17, 2008
Lama nyer tak update blog! feels like ages since i last updated this blog..
Life has been great lately.. setiap hujung tahun mesti syiOk! *bonus time*really looking forward for it! Worth all the stayback, headache & segala galanye!
I really hope the economic situation right now wont have big impact to our bonus & life this year..
The current economic situation does have an impact to our company(i started to feel it). The management have strictly implementing the cost cutting measures..all meetings must be done in hse, all public training must be postponed, claim lagi..haihh banyak lagi lah!
Crime rate is increasing! tgk newspaper, hari hari ada story pasal crime! *the world is no longer a safe place to live. Kes pecah letup ATM machine macam dah tak heran dah..
Macam macam sebenarnye dalam kepala otak i ni.. ppl leaving the company will definitely leave an impact on me.. those old timer peepz are the one that i feel close to compared to the new joiners. Im an adaptable persOn,you see, being as a HR person needs me to mix arOund w varies type of peOple, level, age & sizes.
The working environment dah x syiOk mcm dulu..
Dulu every morning, i look forward to go to work (excited je)..
Now things have changed.
But what to do, kene lah bare with it..
I heard that after bonus give-out, there will be people leaving this company. thats for sure!
Skrg ni pon dah denga cerita2 ppl leaving.. siap ada org g tanye i pasal resignation nOtice..and it doesn't take me long,not even a minute to figure out the intention.
I respect the decision, as long as its for career growth and in term of salary wise is way much better, then i will give my honest opinion on the decision.
i ni buat kerja x pernah siap, slalu je buat kerja halfway.
hehe.. in other words, Bye!
Life has been great lately.. setiap hujung tahun mesti syiOk! *bonus time*really looking forward for it! Worth all the stayback, headache & segala galanye!
I really hope the economic situation right now wont have big impact to our bonus & life this year..
The current economic situation does have an impact to our company(i started to feel it). The management have strictly implementing the cost cutting measures..all meetings must be done in hse, all public training must be postponed, claim lagi..haihh banyak lagi lah!
Crime rate is increasing! tgk newspaper, hari hari ada story pasal crime! *the world is no longer a safe place to live. Kes pecah letup ATM machine macam dah tak heran dah..
Macam macam sebenarnye dalam kepala otak i ni.. ppl leaving the company will definitely leave an impact on me.. those old timer peepz are the one that i feel close to compared to the new joiners. Im an adaptable persOn,you see, being as a HR person needs me to mix arOund w varies type of peOple, level, age & sizes.
The working environment dah x syiOk mcm dulu..
Dulu every morning, i look forward to go to work (excited je)..
Now things have changed.
But what to do, kene lah bare with it..
I heard that after bonus give-out, there will be people leaving this company. thats for sure!
Skrg ni pon dah denga cerita2 ppl leaving.. siap ada org g tanye i pasal resignation nOtice..and it doesn't take me long,not even a minute to figure out the intention.
I respect the decision, as long as its for career growth and in term of salary wise is way much better, then i will give my honest opinion on the decision.
i ni buat kerja x pernah siap, slalu je buat kerja halfway.
hehe.. in other words, Bye!
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